Therefore, my brothers and joy and crown,
stand firm in the Lord in this way, my beloved.
Philippians 4:1
Links for Homeschool Resources
*Click on titles for links to the websites*
Last Updated 09/7

Rules and Regulations by State:
HSLDA ~ This is a FANTASTIC resource that explains what you need to do to get started w/ homeschooling in any state. HSLDA can also help homeschoolers legally (w/ a membership).
Specific to Nevada:
Nevada Homeschool Network ~ an organization that watches legislature that may affect Nevada Homeschool Statutes
Rise Resource Center ~ offers homeschool classes and coordinates city-wide monthly events (roller-skating/ice-skating/gymnastics)
Code Ninjas ~ Coding for ages 6+ in a group environment. 2 locations in Las Vegas
The Coder School Las Vegas ~ Coding for 7+ in a group environment.
Virtual Homeschool PE @ the YMCA ~ Las Vegas YMCA linked
Specific to Arizona:
The Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) ~ a program administered by The Arizona Department of Education that is funded by state tax dollars to provide educational options for qualified Arizona students.
Free Online Help for Home Learning:
Khan Academy ~ All Subjects + All Grades. Khan Academy is NOT Accredited, and they state on their website the classes they offer are better as supplementation rather than stand-alone.
Cathy Duffy Curriculum Reviews ~ An extensive website dedicated to reviewing every.single.curriculum out there!
Duolingo ~ A FREE App for foreign languages
Academic Earth ~ Advanced level lectures on a variety of subjects
Project Gutenberg ~ Over 60,000 free ebooks!
Starfall ~ A website for younger learners. Phonics, games, and videos.