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Daily Scripture Writing ~ Unity

Well, hello there friends!! It's been a minute, hasn't it? If you're anything like me, the past few months have taken an unexpected toll...mentally, physically and spiritually. So much happened over the summer months, both personally and worldwide, and it has (at times) left me breathless. How about you? Are you hurting? Angry? Grieved? Burdened? I so wish I could look into the eyes of those who read this, take your hands in mine and just say, "Me too, friend. Me too."

I was having a particularly hard day about a week ago, and as I wept on my husbands shoulder I remarked that, "this world just feels so heavy". Now, if you know my husband, he's definitely a man of few words. He abides by the old adage that you have two ears and one mouth so that you can listen twice as much as you speak (which makes me irritated most of the time since I'm quite the opposite!). Anyway, as I cried he softly said, "that's because you were never meant to carry it".


That got me. As someone who often encourages others to "give it to the Lord", and reminds people that, "His burden is light"...having my husband gently remind me of that very thing in that exact moment, really hit home. It is not ours to carry. Though it's a very "popular" and widely excepted phrase, we're not meant to "change the world". Christ already did that. On the cross. It's done, friend. It's done.

So, what CAN we do when we're feeling overwhelmed and flustered, angry and sad, wronged and broken? Well, we can pray. Individually and Collectively we can call on the Father to bring peace to our hearts and minds. We can go to Scripture and pour over what He poured out for us. And we can be different, set apart, LIGHTS in an otherwise dark world. We can be unified in our love of Christ, our love for the church, and for our love for fellow believers.

Unity. We might hear the word a lot, often do we SEE it? I tried something different with this Scripture Writing Challenge this time. Instead of doing a "month" of verses, I just gave you 32 that you can start reading and writing whenever you feel led. They all have to do with unity. Unity in the church, as believers, and as brothers and sisters in Christ. As you read, you'll come to understand that these verses aren't talking about how to be unified with the "world"...these are verses that are talking about how to be DIFFERENT, how to walk out His love in an unloving environment, how to break down traditions and systems and find common ground as Christians. As I chose them to share with you, they touched my heart in different ways, reminding me of the countless times that I get it wrong. Thank you Jesus, for seeing those inequities, those blunders, and those screw-ups, and using them for Your glory alone.

I pray that these speak to your heart in the same ways, and both challenge and encourage you to look at unity a little bit differently.

You are loved.





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